Throughout the calendar year when competing in your respective disciplines you can accumulate points towards the top dog award at the end of the year. If you would like to participate, please email your name, dogs name, date of respective show/trial to (please note the change of email address to the original information sent out) with your results so we can keep record of your achievements throughout the year.
We would ask that results are emailed at the very latest by the end of each month to avoid a large backlog of results to enter. At the end of the year there will be an award for the “Top Dog” in each discipline.
We would ask that results are emailed at the very latest by the end of each month to avoid a large backlog of results to enter. At the end of the year there will be an award for the “Top Dog” in each discipline.
2024 Leaderboards
Updated Wednesday 29th January, 2025
If you think any of your results have been missed, please ensure they have been sent to the correct email address: