Introduction to Rally
All dogs at any age are able and encouraged to participate in basic obedience training. It helps to create safer, socially responsible pets, who will respond to your commands and build a stronger bond between you and your dog. It will also give you a solid foundation for moving into other dog sports as your progress.
Puppies can begin attending an obedience club two weeks after their final vaccinations (as they are not fully protected against the various contagious diseases that affect dogs until then). There are a number of clubs affiliated with Dogs SA, with instructors who will help you to train your dog. Puppies usually begin in a special puppy class until around 6 months of age, before progressing through various levels and graduating at each required level of competence. Dogs can begin at any age and will be placed in the appropriate level. Dogs are taught to heel, sit, stay, drop, stand and come when called. You may also choose to learn obedience with a private trainer instead. The Border Collie Club has compiled a list of clubs and trainers recommended by our members, which is available within our Members group or by request.
Lessons are taught using reward based training which means dogs are rewarded by food or praise when they correctly respond to commands.
As you progress through the levels, your competence and confidence as a handler will increase, as will your dog’s ability to perform commands both on and off leash. You may then consider participating in trials with your dog, to test your dog’s ability to understand and obey the commands you have been practicing. Multiple successful trial passes in various grades will reward you and your dog with ‘titles’ that can be added to their names forever - celebrating your work together.
Puppies can begin attending an obedience club two weeks after their final vaccinations (as they are not fully protected against the various contagious diseases that affect dogs until then). There are a number of clubs affiliated with Dogs SA, with instructors who will help you to train your dog. Puppies usually begin in a special puppy class until around 6 months of age, before progressing through various levels and graduating at each required level of competence. Dogs can begin at any age and will be placed in the appropriate level. Dogs are taught to heel, sit, stay, drop, stand and come when called. You may also choose to learn obedience with a private trainer instead. The Border Collie Club has compiled a list of clubs and trainers recommended by our members, which is available within our Members group or by request.
Lessons are taught using reward based training which means dogs are rewarded by food or praise when they correctly respond to commands.
As you progress through the levels, your competence and confidence as a handler will increase, as will your dog’s ability to perform commands both on and off leash. You may then consider participating in trials with your dog, to test your dog’s ability to understand and obey the commands you have been practicing. Multiple successful trial passes in various grades will reward you and your dog with ‘titles’ that can be added to their names forever - celebrating your work together.
The difference between Obedience and Rally:
Rally (also known as Rally Obedience or Rally O) is a sport based on dog obedience, so it is important to have strong obedience foundations in place. It was devised by Charles L. 'Bud' Kramer (also credited with starting Agility) from the practice of doing a variety of interesting warm-up and freestyle exercises before an obedience trial, and became a recognised sport by the American Kennel Club in 2005, with Australia following suit in 2012. Unlike an obedience trial however, in rally the judges do not give orders. Instead, the competitors proceed around a course that consists of approximately 10 to 20 signs, each depicting an action for the team (dog and handler) to do. Also unlike obedience, handlers are allowed to encourage their dogs during the course. Prior to the trial you may walk through the course without your dog to prepare. When it's your turn, once you indicate you are ready you will be instructed to begin, and will then heel the dog between the signs, performing the actions.
Rally is a fun sport focusing on the teamwork between a dog and their handler, with each providing the other the room and time to perform their function. The major difference between rally and obedience is that you can talk, encourage and even pat your dog, as long as you keep moving at a brisk pace and the dog is putting in their part of the teamwork. To begin, you should have a dog that can walk on a loose lead, sit, stand, down and come to you on single commands. Multiple commands are allowed, but a dog that isn't obeying isn't being a good team player! It is a great sport for those who are working their way through obedience training levels and introduces people and dogs to trialling in a way where they can simply have fun together.
Rally is a fun sport focusing on the teamwork between a dog and their handler, with each providing the other the room and time to perform their function. The major difference between rally and obedience is that you can talk, encourage and even pat your dog, as long as you keep moving at a brisk pace and the dog is putting in their part of the teamwork. To begin, you should have a dog that can walk on a loose lead, sit, stand, down and come to you on single commands. Multiple commands are allowed, but a dog that isn't obeying isn't being a good team player! It is a great sport for those who are working their way through obedience training levels and introduces people and dogs to trialling in a way where they can simply have fun together.
Excerpts taken from 'Rally Obedience' by Keith Millington, Dog Obedience SA
Rally Signs
There are a total of 76 signs in Rally, increasing in difficulty as they progress. Each sign is numbered and indicates at the top which classes they can be used in, which is listed in more detail below. Each level is able to use the signs from the previous level whilst more become available the higher the level. Signs with an asterisk (*) may be used more than once on a course.
The signs depict the action to be performed at that station on the course. It is recommended that before trialling, you familiarise yourself with these signs and their explanations, available in the rules booklet (link at the bottom of the page). Below you will also find a link to a YouTube playlist demonstrating all 76 exercises - this is a fantastic resource (and it's a Border Collie!).
The signs depict the action to be performed at that station on the course. It is recommended that before trialling, you familiarise yourself with these signs and their explanations, available in the rules booklet (link at the bottom of the page). Below you will also find a link to a YouTube playlist demonstrating all 76 exercises - this is a fantastic resource (and it's a Border Collie!).
Rally Titles
There are four different trialling classes in Rally, ranging from very basic skills and exercises on lead through to high level off-lead performance.
Rally Trials demonstrate the dog and handler’s ability to work together with precision and publicly showcase the training that has been undertaken to achieve this. Classes are designed to be progressive, allowing the dog and handler to grow in skill and experience as titles are earned. The performance of the dog and handler in the ring must be accurate and correct according to the rules and regulations. Communication from the handler to the dog is encouraged and not penalised. Unless otherwise specified in the rules, handlers may encourage their dogs with verbal praise and patting, unless the opinion of the judge is that the handler's touch is being used to physically guide or correct the dog (this will result in the dog being non-qualified). Each competitor starts with 100 points with a series of deductions between 1 - 10 points each applied for faults such as a tight lead, poor sits, downs or stays, excessive barking, course distractions being touched or knocked over or an incorrectly performed station.
Titles are awarded in performance disciplines to dogs who achieve the required number of qualifying passes at each level and appear after the dog's name as a suffix. Only the highest title awarded to the dog will be used after their name, with each achievement superseding the one prior.
Champion titles can be awarded to dogs who have achieved their titles within the required Master class (see below) and go on to achieve the required number of (or more) extra qualifying passes in this class. This title will appear before the dog's name as a prefix.
The titles represent and celebrate the hard work and training that has gone into achieving multiple qualifying pass results and the bond that has been built between dog and handler along the way.
Rally Trials demonstrate the dog and handler’s ability to work together with precision and publicly showcase the training that has been undertaken to achieve this. Classes are designed to be progressive, allowing the dog and handler to grow in skill and experience as titles are earned. The performance of the dog and handler in the ring must be accurate and correct according to the rules and regulations. Communication from the handler to the dog is encouraged and not penalised. Unless otherwise specified in the rules, handlers may encourage their dogs with verbal praise and patting, unless the opinion of the judge is that the handler's touch is being used to physically guide or correct the dog (this will result in the dog being non-qualified). Each competitor starts with 100 points with a series of deductions between 1 - 10 points each applied for faults such as a tight lead, poor sits, downs or stays, excessive barking, course distractions being touched or knocked over or an incorrectly performed station.
Titles are awarded in performance disciplines to dogs who achieve the required number of qualifying passes at each level and appear after the dog's name as a suffix. Only the highest title awarded to the dog will be used after their name, with each achievement superseding the one prior.
Champion titles can be awarded to dogs who have achieved their titles within the required Master class (see below) and go on to achieve the required number of (or more) extra qualifying passes in this class. This title will appear before the dog's name as a prefix.
The titles represent and celebrate the hard work and training that has gone into achieving multiple qualifying pass results and the bond that has been built between dog and handler along the way.
Class: Novice
Stations: Between 10 - 15 with no more than 5 stationery exercises.
Novice Level Signs: 1 - 32
Title Suffix: RN
Requirement: Three qualifying passes of 75 points or more under at least two different judges.
This is a great entry level class for dogs six months and over where the dog works on a loose lead. Rally Novice can be a really fun and encouraging way to continue reinforcing obedience skills as you are able to talk to and pat your dog, and is a fantastic place to get started in the world of dog sports and trialling.
Class: Advanced
Stations: Between 12 - 17 with a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 10 stationery exercises and a minimum of 4 Advanced level stations, including one jump.
Advanced Level Signs: 33 - 53
Title Suffix: RA
Requirement: Three qualifying passes of 80 points or more under at least two different judges.
This class for dogs who have qualified for their RN title and is the first class that is performed off lead. Handlers are still able to talk to and pat their dogs.
Class: Excellent
Stations: Between 15 - 20 with a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 10 stationery exercises and a minimum of 6 Advanced level stations and 4 Excellent level stations, including two jumps.
Excellent Level Signs: 54 - 65
Title Suffix: RA
Requirement: Five qualifying passes of 80 points or more under at least two different judges.
This class for dogs who have qualified for their RA title and is performed off lead. Handlers are still able to talk to and pat their dogs.
Title: Rally Advanced Excellent
Title Suffix: RAE
Requirement: RE Title and five qualifying passes of 80 points or more in both Advanced and Excellent at the same trial, under at least two different judges.
This class is for dogs who have achieved their RE title and shows the dog's exceptional performance ability achieving qualifying scores in two classes at the same trial. This title can be listed in conjunction with the RM title if gained.
Class: Master
Stations: Between 18 - 24 with no more than 10 stationery exercises and a minimum of 4 Excellent level stations and 3 Master level stations, with no jumps.
Master Level Signs: 66 - 76
Title Suffix: RM
Requirement: Seven qualifying passes of 85 points or more under at least three different judges.
This class for dogs who have qualified for the RE title and is performed off lead. Handlers are still able to talk to and pat their dogs. There are no jumps in this class. This title can be listed in conjunction with the RAE title if gained.
Rally Champion
Title Suffix: R. CH.
If a dog having gained its RM title achieves 10 more passes of 90 or more points in the Master class under at least three different judges, they are eligible for the prefix title of Rally Champion.
Stations: Between 10 - 15 with no more than 5 stationery exercises.
Novice Level Signs: 1 - 32
Title Suffix: RN
Requirement: Three qualifying passes of 75 points or more under at least two different judges.
This is a great entry level class for dogs six months and over where the dog works on a loose lead. Rally Novice can be a really fun and encouraging way to continue reinforcing obedience skills as you are able to talk to and pat your dog, and is a fantastic place to get started in the world of dog sports and trialling.
Class: Advanced
Stations: Between 12 - 17 with a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 10 stationery exercises and a minimum of 4 Advanced level stations, including one jump.
Advanced Level Signs: 33 - 53
Title Suffix: RA
Requirement: Three qualifying passes of 80 points or more under at least two different judges.
This class for dogs who have qualified for their RN title and is the first class that is performed off lead. Handlers are still able to talk to and pat their dogs.
Class: Excellent
Stations: Between 15 - 20 with a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 10 stationery exercises and a minimum of 6 Advanced level stations and 4 Excellent level stations, including two jumps.
Excellent Level Signs: 54 - 65
Title Suffix: RA
Requirement: Five qualifying passes of 80 points or more under at least two different judges.
This class for dogs who have qualified for their RA title and is performed off lead. Handlers are still able to talk to and pat their dogs.
Title: Rally Advanced Excellent
Title Suffix: RAE
Requirement: RE Title and five qualifying passes of 80 points or more in both Advanced and Excellent at the same trial, under at least two different judges.
This class is for dogs who have achieved their RE title and shows the dog's exceptional performance ability achieving qualifying scores in two classes at the same trial. This title can be listed in conjunction with the RM title if gained.
Class: Master
Stations: Between 18 - 24 with no more than 10 stationery exercises and a minimum of 4 Excellent level stations and 3 Master level stations, with no jumps.
Master Level Signs: 66 - 76
Title Suffix: RM
Requirement: Seven qualifying passes of 85 points or more under at least three different judges.
This class for dogs who have qualified for the RE title and is performed off lead. Handlers are still able to talk to and pat their dogs. There are no jumps in this class. This title can be listed in conjunction with the RAE title if gained.
Rally Champion
Title Suffix: R. CH.
If a dog having gained its RM title achieves 10 more passes of 90 or more points in the Master class under at least three different judges, they are eligible for the prefix title of Rally Champion.
Helpful Links
If you are looking to trial, the most helpful resource available to you is the rules of the sport.
For the most up to date information or news, contact the Obedience Advisory Committee.
For the most up to date information or news, contact the Obedience Advisory Committee.
© Border Collie Club of South Australia Inc. 2025