Committee Contacts
President |
Secretary |
Treasurer |
Puppy Liaison |
Fundraising & Merchandise Marketing, Events & Sponsorship |
Committee Member Bios
Some of our committee members have put together some information about themselves.
Have a look and find out about the people who are helping run things behind the scenes!
Have a look and find out about the people who are helping run things behind the scenes!
Would you like to join our committee?
As per our Constitution, nominations shall:
a) Be in writing on the prescribed form and signed by the nominee and two other members as proposer and seconder respectively and sent to the Secretary not later than seven days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting at which the election is to be held; or
b) May be proposed and seconded respectively by two members present at the Annual General Meeting provided that the nominee is either present at the meeting and accepts the nomination or has accepted the nomination in writing and such nomination is tabled at the meeting.
All members of the Committee must be financial members of the BCCSA and become financial members of Dogs SA within 21 days of election.
a) Be in writing on the prescribed form and signed by the nominee and two other members as proposer and seconder respectively and sent to the Secretary not later than seven days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting at which the election is to be held; or
b) May be proposed and seconded respectively by two members present at the Annual General Meeting provided that the nominee is either present at the meeting and accepts the nomination or has accepted the nomination in writing and such nomination is tabled at the meeting.
All members of the Committee must be financial members of the BCCSA and become financial members of Dogs SA within 21 days of election.
You may self-nominate - if you are wishing to nominate but are unfamiliar with other members or unsure who to ask to sign your form, please reach out.
A reminder that only financial members from the previous financial year who are present at the AGM are able to vote.
A reminder that only financial members from the previous financial year who are present at the AGM are able to vote.
Committee Structure
The below details the current committee structure, highlighting the areas the committee identified as important for the continued success of the club through clarification of roles, better communication from a National Breed Council level, and enhanced functionality of specific portfolios including the formation and management of sub-committees and broader sharing of the workload to reduce volunteer fatigue.
Executive Committee RolesResponsible for governance, compliance and administrative and financial record-keeping and management. Monitor general club and committee function and progress. Attend monthly BCCSA meetings.
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer |
General Committee PortfoliosAttend monthly BCCSA meetings. One person responsible for each role:
Puppy Liaison Marketing, Events & Sponsorship Fundraising Coordinator Show Secretary Trials Secretary SA NBCC Representative |
Portfolio Descriptions & Responsibilities
Puppy Liaison
Management of Puppy Enquiries email inbox and puppy enquiries to the club. Building and maintaining transparent relationships between the service and member breeders, including creating and monitoring chat group for listing of enquiries when appropriate and liaising with marketing and social media regarding updating of listings. Encouragement of breeders to advertise free membership of the club to all puppy buyers and encourage attendance at Puppy Fundamentals Master Classes. Monitor and administrate breeder member database and adherence to club Code of Ethics and relevant necessary memberships and/or registrations. Assist in organisation and delivery of Puppy Fundamentals Master Classes. Be available where possible at club stall at public-facing events to liaise with the public promoting club breeders and providing education and guidance. |
Marketing, Events & Sponsorship
Maintenance of BCCSA website and social media platforms. Advertising and maximising visibility of the club across various mediums, such as development of promotional display materials, handouts, social media advertising and attendance at public-facing events where appropriate. Assist in development of member and public engagement opportunities such as fun days and classes. Liaise with various committee members and portfolios as required, i.e. advertising of club merchandise to maximise the visibility of members, vehicles and provide promotional materials for fundraising events, advertising of upcoming shows and trials to boost entry numbers, develop marketing materials to entice sponsorship and encourage memberships. Develop sponsorship proposal(s), build and maintain reciprocal relationships with potential partners for sponsorship of events, prizes or ongoing costs. |
Fundraising Coordinator
Development of club merchandise to maximise the visibility of the club and promote familiarity between members via apparel, stationery and other means. Work with committee and community to identify and organise fundraising opportunities such as specific club fundraising events, raffles or community opportunities such as barbecues etc. Identify short-term and long-term fundraising targets to motivate members and the public to engage with fundraising and continue to build the financial stability and capability of the club to deliver events and increase our profile. Work with marketing officer and club sponsors/partners to ensure representation and promotion as necessary on club merchandise such as apparel, stationery and/or signage. |
Show Secretary
Responsible for selecting judges, stewards and SACA representatives for shows, and any travel and/or accommodation required, obtaining venues and organising set-up of the venue on the day, organising catering, stationery, sashes, trophies and/or prizes. Responsible for official show correspondence such as sending and receiving contracts, publishing schedules and catalogues and submitting results to DogsSA. Monitor entries and liaise with BCCSA regarding expenses and any requirements for shows. Maintain records using club Google Drive. Work with Sponsorship Coordinator for event/prize sponsorships. |
Trials Secretary
Management of the Trials email inbox and official trial correspondence such as sending and receiving contracts, publishing schedules and submitting results to DogsSA. Oversight of the Trials sub-committee, organise meetings and provide guidance or assistance as necessary. Work with and assist Trial Managers in development of schedules for approval and publishing of catalogues. Ordering of stationery including certificates and sashes where required. Oversee trial entries and results entry. Liaise with BCCSA regarding expenses and any requirements for trials. Maintain records using club Google Drive and manage (or delegate) Top Dog Awards email inbox with results entry into spreadsheet monthly. |
SA NBCC Representative
South Australian representative on the National Border Collie Council as required as an affiliated member club. Attendance at NBCC meetings via Zoom, represent the BCCSA vote as required and report back to BCCSA meetings monthly (or more frequently as needed). Oversee the SA contingent on NBCC sub-committees and provide communication channel between the BCCSA committee and sub-committee members as required. Pass on any information for promotional or educational purposes to be circulated amongst members and the general public to assist with our ongoing commitment to the ethical and responsible breeding, care, training and exhibition of Border Collies in Australia and South Australia. |
Sub-Committee Structures
Trials Sub-Committee
Guided by and represented on BCCSA Committee by Trials Secretary. Trial Secretary responsibilities listed above. Trial Manager roles may be combined if appropriate i.e. DWD/Tricks, or Obedience/Rally. Trial Managers will be responsible for selecting judges, stewards and SACA representatives for their respective trials, obtaining venues and organising set-up of the venue and equipment on the day, organising catering, trophies and/or prizes, vetting of dogs, presentations and assistance with results entry if needed. Work with Sponsorship Coordinator for event/prize sponsorships. Trial Managers encouraged to support each other with experience, contacts, tips and other assistance where possible. General sub-committee members encouraged to assist with planning and running of all trials where possible, particularly set-up and stewarding (if needed). Meetings (usually online via Zoom) to be called by Trials Secretary as needed, particularly for planning purposes prior to trials. Agility Trial Manager Dances With Dogs Trial Manager Herding Trial Manager Obedience Trial Manager Rally Trial Manager Tricks Trial Manager General Sub-Committee Members (Unlimited) Future roles likely: Scent Work Trial Manager |
NBCC Representatives Sub-Committee
Guided by and represented on BCCSA Committee by SA NBCC Representative. Generally an autonomous role where sub-committee members are required to attend and engage with their respective NBCC Sub-Committee meetings which are reported directly back to the National Border Collie Council by the sub-committee chairperson, however will liaise with the SA Representative for any matters requiring further input from the BCCSA committee and to keep the club updated on any matters of interest as required. Sharing and promotion of Educational or Health-related content from the National Border Collie Council to the BCCSA membership (and the general community) via liaison with SA Representative and Marketing & Social Media as needed. Roles may be combined if appropriate i.e. SA Rep/Health Rep. Not required to attend general meetings of the National Border Collie Council (unless also performing that role). NBCC Education Sub-Committee Member(s) NBCC Health Sub-Committee Member(s) |
© Border Collie Club of South Australia Inc. 2025